Paris Interlude 1

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Joyeux anniversaire à moi!
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News - 04/24/11

I am in Paris and it's my birthday, so we are taking a brief break from Evi and Clorian's travels and families to look at mine.

Picture 1: This is the bird market in Paris! It is crowded and there is much tweeting. You can also buy rats, hamsters, bunnies or plants, if you are not into birds.

Picture 2: These are stained glass windows from La Sainte-Chapelle. They are like meticulously ordered, glowing confetti that tells stories.

Picture 3: This is my reaction to La Sainte-Chapelle.

Picture 4: This is me contemplating my birthday cake. It was VERY chocolate. Also, my family is wonderful. They got me a stained glass angel and sang to me.

It is important to feel special, at least once a year.


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